Planning and Zoning

Planning Commission

The Windsor Planning Commission meets at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except November and December) in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building at 8 East Windsor Boulevard . (The commission meets the third Wednesday in November and does not meet in December.) The members serve four year terms and are appointed by the Town Council. The public is welcome and is encouraged to attend.

Planning Commission Page

Planning Commission Meeting Agendas and Minutes


Board of Zoning Appeals

The Windsor Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) meets as needed to review variance applications, reviews Appeals of the Decisions of the Zoning Administrator, etc. The BZA members serve five year terms and are appointed by the Isle of Wight County Circuit Court.

Board of Zoning Appeals Page

Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting Agendas and Minutes


Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Enforcement and Administration

The Planning and Zoning Administrator enforces the provisions of the Land Development Ordinance thatthat deal with the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance.

These include:

  • The review and issuance of Zoning Permits for new businesses, new residential andcommercial construction, demolition, and additions (including sheds and swimming pools)
  • The review, issuance and enforcement of the sign regulations of the Land Development Ordinance.
  • The primary Staff person to the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. Lnthis role, determinations are made on Zoning issues- what zoning designation a particular property has, whether a use is permitted. The Planning and Zoning Administrator aftermaking the determination will then advise the citizen on what steps need to be taken.These could be a Zoning Permit, or a request to the Town for a rezoning or a conditionaluse permit. The application forms will be provided, the fees given and the process will be explained.
  • The Planning and Zoning Administrator is also the Subdivision Agent for the Town. Whensomeone wishes to subdivide or merge property, the Planning and Zoning Administrator should be contacted, and he will explain the subdivision ordinance requirements, theprocess and fees depending upon the situation.

Click Here to Download the Town of Windsor's Zoning and Subdivision OrdinancePDF File


Codes Compliance

The Planning and Zoning Administrator enforces the provisions of the Code of the Town of Windsor that deal with tall grass and weeds, inoperative motor vehicles and garbage, refuse and litter.

Tall grass and /or weeds is defined as being over 12 inches in height. Failure to mow such grass/weed situations will lead to the Town having it mowed at the owner’s expense with penalties being applied.

Inoperative motor vehicles are vehicles (cars, trucks and recreational vehicles including boats) that could not be legally driven on the Town’s streets and roads. Absence of current inspection or license decals are the main evidence that the vehicle is illegally inoperative. The Town can have such vehicles beremoved (towed) after proper notice.

Garbage, refuse and litter when it accumulates on property must be cleaned up in order to protect the health and safety of the Town. Failure to clean up such garbage, refuse and litter will lead to the Town having it removed at the owner’s expense.



NOTE: For fees as they pertain to these applications, please see the Schedule of fees page of this website.