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Tropical Storm Ophelia Information
Tropical Storm Ophelia Information
From the Isle of Wight County Emergency Operations Center

From the Isle of Wight County Emergency Operations Center:

As we prepare to feel the effects of Tropical Storm Ophelia in our area, we would like to provide you with information about reporting issues during the storm. Using these mechanisms allows our 911 Center personnel to focus on life threatening issues that may occur during the storm.

We ask that you please not call our 911 Center or the County’s non-emergency number to report power outages. Please call your electricity provider directly, phone numbers and other ways to communicate with them are listed below.

Community Electric (757) 242-6181 or through the Smart Hub app

Dominion (866) 366-4357 or through your online account

Franklin Power and Light (757) 562-8575

You can also report road hazards directly to VDOT by calling their 800 number or submitting information on their website.

VDOT (800) 367-7623 or

If you would like to report an issue directly to the Emergency Operations Center, you can do so at this link: Please note that this is for non-life threatening situations. If you have a life threatening emergency, please call 911.
