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Heart of Isle of Wight. Windsor, Virginia
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Chickens in Windsor
Chickens in Windsor
What you can and can't do!


            The subject of the raising of chickens within the Town of Windsor has been much discussed in recent months.  This article is meant to point out what the Town’s laws are and where a resident could legally raise chickens in the Town limits.

            If your property is zoned A-1 Agricultural you may raise chickens (or any type of poultry) provided they must be on a five (5) acre parcel or part of a tract that exceeds five acres in the same ownership.  The pens and coops that house the poultry must be at least one hundred (100) feet from any residentially or commercially zoned property and at least fifty (50) feet from any other agriculturally zoned property not part of your tract.  This amendment was approved on September 13, 2016 by Town Council.  In no case can the chickens roam freely, they must be confined.

            If your property is not zoned A-1 Agricultural, the raising of chickens is a violation of the Town’s Zoning OrdinanceThis is in all residential districts and this encompasses the areas where most people live within the Town.  For the most part, if you have chickens and the Town learns of their presence on a residentially zoned property, you will have to remove them. A violation letter would be sent with a reasonable time given for their removal.  We don’t wish to have to do this!   There are some very rare cases where annexation occurred from Isle of Wight County and the raising of chickens was ongoing prior to the annexation.  If the raising of chickens was legal in Isle of Wight County you could be considered “grandfathered” and could continue legally.  These do not happen often.  In all likelihood, if you are zoned residential, the raising of chickens is not permitted.

            Please contact me at (757) 242-4288, by email at, or in person in Town Hall to determine what your property is zoned, whether you can legally have chickens and if so where they can be housed on your property.  Also please contact me regarding any construction or business that you are considering.  I would love to assist you in pursuing your dreams and improving Windsor in any way that I can.



                                                                        Dennis W. Carney

                                                                        Planning and Zoning Administrator



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Town of Windsor
Town of Windsor
The Town of Windsor is located on Route 460 just west of the City of Suffolk. We have a population of 2,626. The Town of Windsor is governed by a seven member Town Council. All members of the Town Council are elected at large, to include the Mayor. The Council appoints a seven member Planning Commission to assist them in planning for the long term future of the Town.
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